Thursday, October 17, 2013


Another great performance from the girls dance studio!  Rehearsing since March paid off!  I know a lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into each performance by the dance staff and you can see all of the hard work pays off.  Some dances are better than others and some mess ups are made, but it does not even matter because the overall performance is fantastic.  So many people are surprised at how well put together the shows are.  Hello, they just produced another professional who is 16!  Way to go Madison!

This time was, Cinderella the Ballet.  I have always thought of Cinderella from the Disney movie, but I have never seen the ballet.  It was also Madison's last performance, it was beautiful to see her as Cinderella!  Emma had a bunch of dances and Lilly had I think 4.  They both did so well.  In Lillian's group she was the leader and tried to get the other little ones to follow her....sometimes it worked:)  I love to see Emma grow as a dancer.  She is just so good!  If you have not come to see them, do it next month for the Nutcracker!!   

Emma even got moved to the 'middle girl' dressing room.  She was so happy!!  She even got to wear more makeup, she was beside herself happy!


It is always a crazy busy weekend when the girls have shows, but when I are driving home after the last show I am always sad.  The girls always want to keep dancing.  I love it!!!  

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Dustpan the Man!

I got to see my handsome cousin Dustin awhile back.  My love-hate relationship with Facebook once again helped me out.  When I saw a picture that Dustin had posted on FB of In&Out I messaged him and last minute drove to Laguna to reunite and eat some sushi.  

Even though I have not seen him in 6 years it was as if no time had gone by at all.  It was wonderful to introduce him to Lillian.  Drew and Emma were babies the last time they saw him, Drew was very excited to meet a 'boy cousin' of mine.  He is always surrounded by girls, the poor thing.  Dustin is a great man, plays hockey, and has worked for Southwest Airlines forever.  I am very happy for him and so nice to share our stories of growing up and stories of our crazy back east family to Derek and the kids.         

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Car Fun

They are silly little monsters when they get ahold of my camera:)

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Halo High!

We were high high high, almost to the sky high at the Angel/A's baseball game!  I am sad to say that this was the only game we went to this entire season!  So sad.  I guess we could have gone to more, but I have never paid for a ticket and am not going to start now!  So, we got these tickets for free.  However, if I had only looked at the tickets then maybe I would not have taken them.  I have not sat this high in a very long time!  Derek and the kids went up first and then I clung for dear life to the railing about 10 minutes later.  Yes, I looked ridiculous and Derek was laughing at me.  I did not get up the entire time we were there.  Thank goodness I took my meds before we left!!!  

The game was fun and the kids had a blast.  When I finally made my way to our seats I saw the Simmons boys!  Then a little bit later the Bustamonte family showed up.  I love running into our 'dance family!'  Drew had Vince as a buddy to watch the game with, Emma had Sophia, and Derek had Vigo  to drink with.  The Angels lost, but it is all good.  Thanks Buffy for the tickets!