Wednesday, January 7, 2009

101 things to do in 1001 days

So I have joined a few friends, like Becky and Teren, in creating a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I think that this is a great idea and once I sat down and thought about all of the STUFF I have to do and have not yet AND all of the stuff I WANT to do...this list just began to grow. On my list are some personal goals and others are for my children, Derek, and loved family and friends. Some of the items have been edited and others have may seem a little strange, but if you know me then they make sense. So now I am going to map out my list in the order that it came to me while I sat and wrote it. I just want to thank Becky for starting this with us and for giving me another avenue to make my life more fulfilling:) xoxoxoxo
1. Kiss Derek everyday when he gets home from work, no matter what I am doing, for 2 weeks straight.
2. Potty train Drew
3. Potty train Emma
4. Get Drew off of his pacy
5. Get Emma off of her pacy
6. Teach Drew his letters and numbers
7. Enroll Drew into some sort of outside activity with other children
8. Do my 'theme weeks' for at least 40 weeks out of the 52
9. No more keeping trash in the 'inside door' of the car
10.Wash the car once a month
11.Work on Lee baby #3
12.Find somewhere larger to live
13.Buy a journal
14.Write in a journal 3x a week
15.Pray daily
16.Read the bible front to back
17.Volunteer for something at church
18.Take Drew and Emma to church twice a month
19.Go to church 3 times a month
20.Tithe every week even if I am not there.
21.Try not to cry to hard at Marlene and Sam's wedding in June!
22.Make a list of things to do for Derek and not hound at him to do them right away
23.Talk to Derek about ALL of our bills
24.Buy a new tv for our room
25.Buy a new bedroom set for us
26.Do not cuss out loud for 2 days straight (that is going to be hard!!)
27.Call my parents once a week
28.Derek and I go 'out' twice a month
29.Read the proper care and feeding of husbands.
30.write a letter to the 'two' people I need to
31.Try not to be on the computer while the children are awake
32.Buy new boxes for the kids keepsakes
33.Order year 2 scrapbook for Drew
34.Order years 1 & 2 scrapbook for Emma
35.Conquer 'bath time' with Drew
36.In a two month period see ALL of my local friends
37.Every three months set up a play date for Derek and his friends
38.Work on 'me'
39.Go to the movies three times a year (the last movie Derek and I saw together was Star Wars 3)
40.Watch the first season of "Always Sunny In Philly."
41.Go out with Amy to the Irisher
42.Tell Patty how proud of her I am!!
43.Walk/run 4x a week
44.take the kids outside once a day (even if crappy weather)
45.Make sure Derek has coffee in the morning for 3 weeks straight and hope that I will continue (I use too)
46.Pay off ALLLLL debt by June 2009
47.Go IN the ocean one time
48.Stand on the center of a bridge with my eyes closed for 1 minute
49.Throw away ALL of the VHS'...what is the point
50.Eat out once a week
51.Make a day by day schd of our day for 2 weeks straight and stick to it (i.e. food/activities
52.Get my teeth whitened
53.Keep dental appts, even when I do not want to go.
54.Learn about double coupons
55.Take Anissa and Kels to a CPR class
56.Go to the market on Tuesday for one month
57.go to Colorado
58.Take the kids to the mountains
59.The four of us go to the beach
60.Rent a beach cottage in SD
61.Open savings accounts for kids
62.Enroll in graduate program
63.Make a list on the computer of family members and friends' birthday and anny
64.Take Derek to 2 concerts
65.See a financial adviser
66.Surprise Derek with lunch at work
67.Organize our financial papers
68.learn about my phone
69.write a will
70.give Emma's godparents their gifts
71.Buy some sort of partial tickets for the Angels
72.go to a NBA game
73.give Derek flowers
74.For two weeks only have the kids watch one tv show and one movie per day. Maybe it will continue??
75.Buy ALL of Jack Johnson's Cd's
76.Take a dance class with Derek
77.Sign Emma up for a dance class
78.Post something on Utube
79.Buy a new Bible
80.Make an emergency kit for the home
81.Make an emergency kit for the car
82.Buy a new camera lens
83.Get a safety deposit box
84.Go to bed at the same time as Derek
85.Get the kids birth certificates
86.Have the doctor update the kids immunization records
87.Spend one ENTIRE day with my mom and Emilee watching movies
88.Backup photos
89.Go to a Quakes game
90.Take the kids on a BIG vacation- who knows where
91.Refinish server
92.Do not let my 'gas light' come on for one month (this is a hard one).
93.For each nephew/niece go to at least 3 of their sports games per season
94.Have a backup of hygienic items we use daily...we always run out!
95.Get some of my childhood x-mas ornaments from my mom
96.Email/call/write the city of Orange about the cross walk around the corner
97.Before/after/during a party at our house I will NOT put anything on Derek's work bench
98.I will not buy anymore plants/flowers until I either take a class on the proper way to garden or have someone teach me!!!
99.Got to a play
100.Take the kids to a 'kids concert'
101.Since I am thinking about myself, my children, and my husband I will make them hot chocolate and tell them how much I love them while they drink it! I do not like hot chocolate:)


terenjaxteegan said...

GREAT LIST!!! Yeah, I am so glad you are doing it with us!

Jamie Parke said...

I love your list. A lot of them are things I am trying to work on too. For instance, I never kiss Derek when he comes home form work:). Just kidding, but I am working on those things with my family too. we are over the Passy's but still working on Potty training, need to cut back on TV & computer time, and I need to start working out!!! Thanks for the reminder to sork on making myself and my family better!!

Darci said...

That is such a crazy list! I feel so unproductive, you are super woman.