Thank you so much for all of your service, Veterans. I can not fully explain the pure gratitude and tears that come to my eyes when I go to a ceremony, cemetery, or Veterans Memorial. Thank you again!
The above pictures were taken at Veterans Park in YL.
Then there is this. What better way to show our love for our country, love for Veterans, love for Pa than to go and visit where he lays the week of Veteran Day.
Yes, Derek finally went. It will be 2 years in March since Pa went to God. When Derek was off of work for a week he really wanted to go and see the tombstone. So we did.
Pa is buried at the Riverside National Cemetery. For those that have not been to a huge National Cemetery, you have to go and look up where your loved one is and once your get the number you head over to the area. While we were hunting down the number Derek lost track of where we were, so he walked up to a tombstone that had a bunch of pine needles on it and started to brush them away...bamm, it was Pa's. Hugs and tears followed. Strange. Yet, kind of great how it happened.
*Yes, I took pictures of the kids with the tombstone. Some may think it is strange, but I have one with my grandpa's**
1 comment:
very nice pics, Sara. Not strange to take pics by the grave. I did it with Jill and my Dad's too :)
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