Thursday, June 18, 2009

Note to self...

Note to self-
Do not eat three pieces of french toast with butter and syrup, string cheese, and Ruffle chips before going to bed. Remember that you woke up at 1:30am with acid in your mouth that could burn through a table!
A wiser Sara


The Calagna Family said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! I AM CRACKING UP! Love it :) But you are pregnant! Your last excuse to eat whatever the heck you what! Damn Acid had to go and ruin that!

Darci said...

Oh goodness you brought back such BAD memories!!! I am just dreading this part, with gwen it was at 5 months so lets hope i don't get it this time otherwise I will be a witch! hehe

Caitlin Rodriguez said...

Darn heartburn! mmmm french toast! I wish I was pregnant with every excuse to eat, well, everything.