Monday, June 15, 2009

Proof Reading

SOOOOO, Derek made a point on Saturday to tell me that I need to proof read the blog posts that I make. I do not read them after I write them and probably should, but I do not. So, I am writing this to tell everyone that reads the blog that I know there are mistakes on the blog, but really I do not care because if I looked over everything I would not post as much as I do:) haha


The Titone - Perez Family said...

Oh my gosh, don't let Derek look at my blog, I find mistakes all the time on it!hahaha!

Caitlin Rodriguez said...

Tell Derek to shut it! Haha! I like mistakes, it shows we are all human!

The Calagna Family said...

OH BFF DEREK!!!!!!!!

Sara said...

I agree with everyone!!!

Sara said...

Oh how did i know that the blog trio would comment on this..