Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Toothless & A Star

Emma was STAR of the WEEK in school!  I was wondering why she was the star because they usually go with the week of the students birthday.  Well, I figured it out when she came home with a 1/2 birthday crown.  She was so happy and excited!  She loved to show off her poster to her classmates, share her cookies, and have the entire week be all about her...which she loves when things are like that!  According to Emma, Ms. Brenda actually let her wear it during both of her classes that night.  

Toothless...Drew lost another tooth!  It has only taken over a year from his last tooth came out, but better late then never!!  I thought it was never going to happen.  I have been waiting for the day to come to use the toothfairy pillow!  He was so excited that it come out and did not even cry when Derek pulled it out or when he saw the blood!  Now Lilly goes around the house saying her teeth are coming out and there is blood but she is okay.  Silly girl!  Good thing she did not take is $1!

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