Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I had to!

One of my fam's favorite movie is, "A Christmas Story." With that being said, look at Jill!

I just had to steal this picture of her from Meg and Tony's Blog to show what my cousin Andrea and her husband, Chris, bought for their niece! I love it and it would have been sooooooo awesome if it had been pink.

***I must add, this is adorable!***
***I hope I do not get in trouble for stealing the pic!***


Rebecca Titone said...

Oh that baby looks so cute! His outfit is way better than Ralphie's!!!

Teren, Jaxson, and Teegan! said...

Ok you know my obsession with that movie- so I died when I saw this. SOOOOOOO ADORABLE!

Meg said...

oh my cute lil Ralphie! She will grown into it!